What is NatMac?
NatMac is short for National Macintosh Computer Society. We are a MUG, which stands for Macintosh User Group. We have been around in Broward County since 1986, making us the oldest MUG in the county.
We get together monthly to share our experiences and help each other get the most from our Macs. Every meeting has a Q&A session where several of our Mac "Power User" experts try to diagnose member's problems and instruct how to prevent them from reoccurring. Generally, we also have a demonstration of some new or revised application or update to the operating system.
We usually meet on the first Wednesday of each month (except December when we try to have a party). Our meetings were held at the Holy Cross Hospital Conference Center, due to the pandemic our meetings are via Zoom, and run from 7:00pm until between 9:00 and 9:30pm. Our website address is www.natmac.org. Please check it for the latest info.
Membership Dues are only $40 for the first year and $30 for each additional year. Student membership is only $20 per year. Everyone is welcome to join, and you can attend one meeting free of charge to see how we operate.
We know you will find it to be worthwhile. Apple encourages its users to join a MUG, as it is great way to meet other Mac users and to gain insight into what makes the Mac tick. If you use a Mac you should belong to a MUG and if you live in the Broward or south Palm Beach area you owe it to yourself to check us out.
For more information feel free to call Dean Hoffmann at (954) 249-5204. You are most welcome to come to our next meeting at 7PM.